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This lady was the last pharaoh
Lots of treasure was found in the tomb of pharaoh King ____
The highest ranked government official who reported into the pharaoh
The Ba, the Ka, and the Land of the Dead all had to do with this aspect of Egyptian religion
The largest pyramid is the Great Pyramid of ____
The Egyptian empire reached its peak during the ____ Kingdom period
Alexander the ____ from Greece conquered Egypt
People who knew how to read and write
Even Egyptian men wore this on their faces to look better
Egyptian god who ruled the underworld
An embalmed dead body
A period of time when one family ruled the land
Writing of the Ancient Egyptians that used pictures
Tall building made as a tomb for the Pharaohs
Traps and curses were used to keep these out of the tombs and pyramids
Area where many pharaohs were buried after 1500 BC
Continent of Egypt
Body of water important to the Ancient Egyptians
Process by which bodies were prepared for burial
Ra was the god of the ____
The mother goddess
Type of paper invented by the Egyptians
Leader of Ancient Egypt
The Rosetta _____ had writing in both Greek and hieroglyphics