Ancient Roman Engineering

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Ancient Roman Engineering.

1. What type of Roman engineering construction was important to help the army move quickly around the large Roman Empire?
a. Aqueducts
b. Arches
c. Stadiums
d. Chariots
e. Roads

2. Which of the following statements is true about Roman roads?
a. They were mostly packed dirt
b. They tended to flood when it rained making them useless in bad weather
c. They were made of layers of masonry including concrete
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

3. Around how many people could attend the games at the Roman Colosseum?
a. 5,000
b. 10,000
c. 50,000
d. 75,000
e. 100,000

4. What type of Roman engineering construction helped to bring water into the city?
a. Arches
b. Stadiums
c. Bridges
d. Aqueducts
e. Viae

5. What architectural feature did the Romans use to make their constructions such as bridges and the Colosseum strong?
a. The arch
b. The dome
c. The colonnade
d. The truss
e. The gable

6. What was the Latin word for road that the Romans used to name many of their major roads?
a. Highway
b. Via
c. Boulevard
d. Route
e. Conduit

7. What type of entertainment did the Romans attend at the Colosseum?
a. Gladiator games
b. Mock battles
c. Theatre
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

8. True or False: Everyone, including the poor, had running water in their homes in the city of Rome.

9. If you were to total the length of all the aqueducts in the city of Rome, about how long would it be?
a. 300 yards
b. 2 miles
c. 75 miles
d. 134 miles
e. 500 miles

10. What was the longest bridge that the Ancient Romans built?
a. Trajan bridge
b. Pons Aelius
c. Alcantara bridge
d. Pons Mulvius
e. Ponte Pietra

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Ancient Roman Engineering page at /history/ancient_roman_engineering.php.

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