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Today in History

May 2


1885   Good Housekeeping magazine goes on sale for the first time.

1933   The first modern sighting of the Loch Ness monster is reported.

1953   Hussein is crowned King of Jordan.

1997   Tony Blair becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Famous Birthdays:

1360   Yongle Emperor (Ruler of China)

1729   Catherine the Great (Russian Leader)

1892   Baron Von Richthofen (The Red Baron WWI German fighter pilot)

1902   Benjamin Spock (Author and Baby Doctor)

1904   Bing Crosby (Singer)

1921   Sugar Ray Robinson (Boxer)

1972   The Rock Dwayne Johnson (Wrestler and Actor)

1975   David Beckham (Soccer player)

1975   Sarah Hughes (Gold medal ice skater)

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