James Monroe

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
James Monroe.

1. James Monroe was the _______ President of the United States.
a. Sixteenth
b. Third
c. Fifth
d. Fourth
e. Second

2. Who was James Monroe's wife?
a. Martha Dandridge
b. Abigail Smith
c. Martha Wayles Skelton
d. Dolly Payne Todd
e. Elizabeth Kortright

3. Who was the Vice President of the United States under James Monroe?
a. John Caldwell Calhoun
b. Thomas Jefferson
c. George Clinton and Elbridge Gerry
d. John Adams
e. Daniel Tompkins

4. What was James Monroe's nickname?
a. Father of American Independence
b. Father of the Declaration of Independence
c. Father of the Constitution
d. The Era of Good Feelings President
e. Father of His Country

5. Where was James Monroe born?
a. Virginia
b. Massachusetts
c. Ohio
d. New York
e. North Carolina

6. What job did James Monroe have before he became President of the United States?
a. Lawyer
b. Soldier
c. Governor of Virginia
d. Secretary of State
e. All of the above

7. What large piece of land did James Monroe help Thomas Jefferson buy from France?
a. Louisiana Purchase
b. Alaska
c. Montana
d. Gadsden Purchase
e. Oregon Territory

8. What state was admitted to the United States along with Missouri as part of the Missouri Compromise?
a. Illinois
b. Alabama
c. Maine
d. Mississippi
e. Florida

9. What was the Monroe Doctrine?
a. The idea that there would always be the same number of slave states and free states
b. A policy saying that European countries should not interfere with independent countries in the Americas
c. An executive order that freed the slaves in the North
d. An expansion policy that said the United States would add one state each year
e. All of the above

10. What territory did the United States purchase from Spain while James Monroe was president?
a. Alaska
b. Alabama
c. Oregon
d. Texas
e. Florida

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the James Monroe page at www.ducksters.com/biography/uspresidents/jamesmonroe.php.

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