Joe Biden

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Joe Biden.

1. Joe Biden was the _______ President of the United States.
a. Fortieth
b. Forty-first
c. Forty-second
d. Forty-fifth
e. Forty-sixth

2. Who was Joe Biden's wife when he was elected president?
a. Jill Jacobs
b. Barbara Pierce
c. Patricia Ryan
d. Hillary Rodham
e. Laura Lane Welch

3. Who was the Vice President of the United States under Joe Biden?
a. Richard Cheney
b. Kamala Harris
c. Dan Quayle
d. Nelson Rockefeller
e. Al Gore

4. What was President Joe Biden's nickname?
a. Comeback Kid
b. Joey B
c. Amtrak Joe
d. The Great Communicator
e. Poppy

5. Where was President Joe Biden born?
a. Ohio
b. Arkansas
c. Connecticut
d. Pennsylvania
e. Virginia

6. Which of the following political offices did Joe Biden hold before becoming President of the United States?
a. Senator
b. Member of the House of Representatives
c. Governor of Illinois
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

7. Who did Joe Biden defeat in the 2020 presidential election?
a. Al Gore
b. John Kerry
c. Hillary Clinton
d. Mitt Romney
e. Donald Trump

8. What job did Joe Biden have before entering public office?
a. Stock Broker
b. Lawyer
c. Actor
d. Police Officer
e. Truck Driver

9. What form of transportation did Joe Biden use when commuting between Delaware and Washington D.C.?
a. Private jet
b. Bus
c. Train
d. Car
e. Helicopter

10. How many years was Joe Biden a United States Senator?
a. 4
b. 12
c. 28
d. 36
e. 54

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Joe Biden page at

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