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This helps you plan how to spend your money
The rate that prices are going up
Fake money
A group of stocks you can buy is called a mutual ____
It represents ownership in a company
Money you put into the bank
Money the government takes
Standard currency of the European Union
Law of ___ and demand
It is worth 25 cents
The amount of money you make by working or investing
He wrote The Wealth of Nations about the free market system
Standard currency of the United States
They make loans and accept deposits
You borrow this from the bank
What you owe
When someone uses your personal information to steal, it's called ___ theft
A system or type of money
What you pay for borrowing money
A precious metal that people often invest in
The place where they make coins
When you sign a check you _____ it
Good to have if you wreck your car or if your house catches fire
What you have after expenses are subtracted from income