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Lakota, Eastern Dakota, and Western Dakota tribes make up this group
Land set aside for Native Americans
A group of Native Americans with similar culture and language
Thorpe known as one of the world's greatest athletes
Sacajawea helped explorers Lewis and ____
The Navajo are famous for weaving these
The people who first lived in the Americas before the Europeans arrived
A home made from blocks of ice
He helped the pilgrims
The Iroquois lived in ___houses
European explorer who thought the Native Americans were Indians
Tribe known for its famous hairstyle where all but the hair down the middle was shaved off
These were sometimes worn during religious ceremonies
Navajo ____
A tall wooden carving
Seminole state
The Navajo lived in these homes made of wooden poles and adobe clay
The Hopi people lived in these homes made from adobe bricks and clay
Native American clothes were often made from deer___ hides.
A common decoration from a bird
What the forced march of the Cherokees was later called
Geronimo was chief of this tribe
Soft leather shoe worn by Native Americans
Where the Blackfoot, Arapaho, Crow, and Comanche lived
Iroquois representatives went to the ____ Council
____ Bull was a famous Sioux Chief
A type of corn grown by Native Americans
Large animal hunted on the Great Plains
Inuit state
She helped Captain John Smith
The Cherokee were forced to move from the Southeast to this state
This Native American home was easy to pick up and move