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The French speaking province of Canada
Country located between Honduras and Panama
Longest river in North America
Puerto ____ is a U.S. territory in the Caribbean Sea
This city is the capital of Greenland
Body of water stretching from Mexico to Florida
Country just south of Mexico
Largest country in North America by area
The capital city of this island country is Havana
The island of Hispaniola includes the Dominican Republic and this country
Most populous city in Canada
Ships can cross from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean using this canal
The Rio ____ forms the border between Texas and Mexico
Largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area
The largest city in North America by population is ____ City
The tallest mountain in North America
Ocean located to the west
The capital city of this country is San Jose
Largest country in North America by population
The Appalachian ____ are located in the eastern United States
This country is considered the largest island in the world
These lakes contain 21% of the world's surface freshwater
The capital of Canada
The ____ Mountains stretch from Canada across the United States including Colorado