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Games >> Word Games

Magic Words

About the Game

The object of the game is to keep the monsters away by finding the hidden words or finding the unscrambled word. Try to beat your best score!

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Choose which type of game you want to play. You can click on "Word Find" to find words hidden in a word search or you can click on "Word Scramble" to find the unscrambled word.

Next, choose the difficulty setting between Easy, Moderate, and Hard.

Word Find:

Find the words on the left in the word search area. Click on the letters with your mouse to form the word. Keep going until all the words have been found.

Word Scramble

The magician will call out a word. Find the word in the word list to stop the monsters.

Tip: Try out the different difficulties and game options to see which is the most fun for you.

Tip: In the word find mode, letters can be used more than once.

Tip: Click the "Learn More" button on the front screen to get additional help on how to play the game.

This game should work on all platforms including safari and mobile (we hope, but make no guarantees).

Games >> Word Games

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