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Word Search Game

US Geography

Find the United States geography terms inside the word search puzzle. For more information see the directions below the puzzle. Go here for the printable version.

The object of the game is to find all the US geography words hidden in the word search grid. The words you need to find are listed to the right of the word search. When you correctly select a US geography word, the word will be crossed off the list and a green checkmark will appear next to the word.

How to Select a Word

To select a word use your mouse. Left click on the first letter of the US geography word and then move your mouse the direction of the word. Let go of the mouse click when you have reached the end of the word. The word should now be highlighted in red.

Need Help Finding a Word

If you can't find a word you can use the "solve" button next to the word. This will automatically find the word for you. When you use the solve button a red X will appear next to the US geography word.


Each time you get a word correctly you earn 10 points. Each time you use "solve" to find a word, you lose 10 points. Try to get as many points as possible, as fast as you can.

Other features

Other features include the timer (to see how fast you can finish the word search) and the "restart" button which allows you to restart a new puzzle. Each puzzle is unique including (sometimes) the words that are used in the puzzle.

We hope this puzzle will help students to familiarize themselves with the terms of US Geography.

Games >> Geography Games >> Geography

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