Salem Witch Trials

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Salem Witch Trials.

1. In what British colony did the Salem Witch Trials take place?
a. Virginia
b. Massachusetts Bay
c. North Carolina
d. Maryland
e. Delaware

2. Around how many people were put to death for being witches during the trials?
a. 2
b. 7
c. 20
d. 114
e. 3000

3. Who first started accusing people of being witches?
a. An old man who lived in a cave
b. A pastor from Boston
c. The governor
d. Two girls who lived in Salem
e. A local Native American

4. True or False: Mass hysteria caused many people to be falsely accused of practicing witchcraft.

5. What year did the Salem Witch Trials begin?
a. 1492
b. 1501
c. 1513
d. 1613
e. 1692

6. What was it called when people tested witches by placing heavy stones on them?
a. Touch test
b. Pressing
c. Submersion
d. Spectral Evidence
e. Stoning

7. What were people required to recite without error to prove they were not a witch?
a. Declaration of Independence
b. Psalm 23
c. The Lords Prayer
d. The New Testament
e. The book of John

8. What was the test called where witches floated in the water, while non-witches sunk?
a. Touch test
b. Pressing
c. Submersion
d. Spectral Evidence
e. Stoning

9. True or False: None of the accused witches were men.

10. What was it called when someone saw a person working with the devil in their dreams?
a. Touch test
b. Pressing
c. Submersion
d. Spectral Evidence
e. Vision Quest

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Salem Witch Trials page at /history/colonial_america/salem_witch_trials.php.

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