Maya Civilization - Sites and Cities

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Maya Civilization - Sites and Cities.

1. Which of the following best describes the government of the Maya civilization?
a. An empire where a single leader ruled over all the cities
b. A republic with provinces and governors
c. A number of city-states where individual kings ruled over the surrounding areas
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

2. Which of the following is true about Maya cities?
a. They were located near trade routes
b. They were not planned, but grew from the center over time
c. They were located near good farmland
d. They had large pyramids
e. All of the above

3. Which Maya city-state is home to the famous pyramid called El Castillo?
a. El Mirador
b. Kaminaljuyu
c. Tikal
d. Caracol
e. Chichen Itza

4. Which Maya city-state was located in the modern-day country of Belize and once had a population as large as 180,000 people?
a. El Mirador
b. Kaminaljuyu
c. Tikal
d. Caracol
e. Chichen Itza

5. Which Maya city-state was home to La Danta, one of the largest pyramids in the world by volume?
a. El Mirador
b. Kaminaljuyu
c. Tikal
d. Caracol
e. Chichen Itza

6. Which Maya city-state had six large pyramids including the 230 feet tall Temple IV?
a. El Mirador
b. Kaminaljuyu
c. Tikal
d. Caracol
e. Chichen Itza

7. Which Maya city-state is home to the Great Ball Court and the Temple of Warriors?
a. El Mirador
b. Kaminaljuyu
c. Tikal
d. Caracol
e. Chichen Itza

8. What city-state was a major power during the Maya civilization, but was located in the Valley of Mexico?
a. El Mirador
b. Teotihuacan
c. Tikal
d. Caracol
e. Chichen Itza

9. True or False: The rubber ball game was such a big part of Maya culture that many cities had several courts.

10. What nickname was the city-state of Palenque given because its buildings were all painted red?
a. Redville
b. Cardinal Town
c. Red City
d. Roseland
e. Crimson City

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Maya Civilization - Sites and Cities page at

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