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This year in History: Born in 1987 and fun news items.

This year in History

The year 1987


November 29   Joe Montana of SF 49ers completes an NFL record 22 consecutive passes

December 9   Boston Celtic Larry Bird, ends streak of 59 consecutive NBA free throws

December 12   Mookie Blaylock sets an NBA record of 13 steals in a single game

March 9   U2 releases the album The Joshua Tree.

April 6   Sugar Ray Leonard takes the middleweight boxing title from Marvin Hagler.

June 12   President Ronald Reagan challenges Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall

July 11   The world population hits 5 billion people.

August 11   Alan Greenspan becomes Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve. He will serve for nearly 20 years.

Famous Birthdays:

January 11   Jamie Vardy (English footballer)

January 24   Luis Suarez (Uruguayan footballer)

March 9   Bow Wow (Singer and Rapper)

April 11   Joss Stone (Singer)

April 19   Maria Sharapova (Tennis player)

June 19   Rashard Mendenhall (NFL Football player)

June 24   Lionel Messi (Argentine soccer player)

August 7   Sidney Crosby (Hockey player)

August 14   Tim Tebow (Football / Baseball player)

August 25   Blake Lively (Actress)

August 27   Darren McFadden (NFL Football player)

September 7   Evan Rachel Wood (Actor)

September 22   Tom Felton (Actor - Harry Potter Movies)

September 28   Hilary Duff (Actress)

October 18   Zac Efron (Actor)

November 5   Kevin Jonas (Singer and Actor)

December 7   Aaron Carter (Singer)

December 16   Halle Hirsh (Actress)


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