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Basic Chemistry

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1. Q: What determines the degree of completeness of a reaction?

D: equilibrium constant


2. Q: What is the substance called that causes an alteration of the speed of a chemical reaction?

C: catalyst


3. Q: What substance does not have catalytic capability, but does increase the effectiveness of a catalyst?

B: promoter


4. Q: Who first proposed the atomic theory?

A: John Daltan


5. Q: What is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid slightly exceeds the pressure of the atmosphere above the liquid?

B: boiling point


6. Q: When the pressure on a liquid is increased, the boiling point:

A: goes up


7. Q: What is the property of a fluid that prevents it from flowing when subjected to an applied force?

C: viscosity


8. Q: High-viscosity fluids tend to:

A: resist flow


9. Q: What theory states that equal volumes of different gases contain the same number of molecules when compared under the same conditions.

D: Avogadro's Law


10. Q: What are atoms of the same element that differ in weight?

A: isotopes


11. Q: Who first came up with the periodic table?

B: Dmitry Mendeleyev


12. Q: What is the number of the element on the Periodic Table called?

D: atomic number


13. Q: Who invented the X-ray?

A: Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen


14. Q: What is the center of the atom?

B: nucleus


15. Q: Who's theory proposed that electrons are arranged in shells, or quantum levels, at a distance from the nucleus?

C: Bohr


16. Q: If helium has an atomic number of 2, how many electrons does it have?

B: 2


17. Q: According to Bohr's Theory, what is the maximum number of electron orbital layers?

D: 7


18. Q: Which gas is not an inert gas?

A: oxygen


19. Q: Inert gases have:

B: completely filled outer shells


20. Q: Do inert gases enter into chemical combinations in nature?

A: no


21. Q: The inner-most electron shell can contain how many electrons?

C: 2


22. Q: Which is a proton donor?

A: acid


23. Q: Which is a proton acceptor?

B: base


24. Q: Alkali metals have:

A: low melting points


25. Q: How many Alkali metals are there?

D: 6


26. Q: Which is not an Alkali metal?

C: gold


27. Q: What was Melvin Calvin was known for his study of?

B: photosythesis


28. Q: What element is crucial to the existence of living organisms?

C: carbon


29. Q: What is the process of rapid oxidation of a substance with simultaneous evolution of heat?

D: combustion


30. Q: What is the gradual change of a liquid into a gas without boiling?

A: evaporation


31. Q: What is the breaking down of a substance or compound into its simpler components?

B: decomposition


32. Q: What are chemical changes in organic substances caused by the action of enzymes called?

D: fermentation


33. Q: What compounds are formed by the reaction of acids and alcohols?

C: esters


34. Q: Which of the following elements must be present for fire to exist?

A: oxygen or chlorine


35. Q: What is the number of electrons that an atom can give to or accept from another atom in a chemical reaction?

B: valence


36. Q: Who was key to developing the valence theory?

C: Sir Edward Franklin


37. Q: What is the temperature at which a liquid congeals into the solid state at a given pressure?

D: freezing point


38. Q: What is the change of a substance from the solid to the liquid state called?

B: fusion


39. Q: Who invented vulcanization for the rubber industry?

A: Charles Goodyear


40. Q: What process combines rubber and sulfer at a high temperature?

B: vulcanization


41. Q: Who won the 1944 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work in nuclear fission?

C: Otto Hahn


42. Q: How many Halogens are there?

D: 5


43. Q: What elements are Hydrocarbons composed of?

C: Hydrogen and Carbon


44. Q: What is something called when it changes color in response to the nature of its chemical environment?

B: indicator


45. Q: What color does Litmus change to in acid solutions?

A: red


46. Q: What color does Litmus change to in basic solutions?

B: blue


47. Q: What does an atom that loses an electron form?

A: cation


48. Q: What does an atom that gains an electron form?

B: anion


49. Q: What is one of two or more species of atom having an identical atomic number but differing in mass number called?

D: isotope


50. Q: What is one of two or more molecules, having the same chemical compositions, but a differing arrangement of atoms?

A: isomer


51. Q: Who invented the Carbon-14 dating method?

B: Williard Libby


52. Q: Amalgams are types of what?

A: alloys


53. Q: Alloys are:

C: combinations of metals


54. Q: What is the ability of a solid substance to resist abrasion and surface deformation called?

A: hardness


55. Q: What is the resistance to breakage called?

D: tensile strength


56. Q: What is the ability to return to the original shape after being deformed called?

B: elasticity


57. Q: What is the ability to be shaped called?

C: malleability


58. Q: What is the sum of all the atomic weights of all the atoms in a molecule?

C: Molecular Weight


59. Q: What is the smallest particle of a substance having the specific chemical properties of that substance?

B: molecule


60. Q: What term indicates the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution?

D: pH


61. Q: What is the chemical formula for salt?

A: NaCl


62. Q: What is the chemical formula for water?

B: H2O


63. Q: What is a solvent for salt?

D: water


64. Q: Polymers are made up of smaller repeating units called?

C: monomers


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