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Electricity and Magnetism

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1. Q: What is the unit of measurement for current?

A: Volts

B: Amps

C: Ohms

D: Ergs


2. Q: Does DC or AC current flow in only one direction?




3. Q: What is the unit of measurement for power?

A: Amp

B: Volt

C: Ohm

D: Watt


4. Q: What type of current does a battery produce?




5. Q: What is the unit of measurement for resistance?

A: Ohm

B: Watt

C: Volt

D: Amp


6. Q: What does AM stand for?

A: Audio Multiplexer

B: Ampere Modulation

C: Audio Multiplier

D: Amplitude Modulation


7. Q: What does FM stand for?

A: Farad Multiplexer

B: Foreign Modulator

C: Frequency Modulation

D: Factor Modulation


8. Q: What type of waves are reflected back to the earth from the ionosphere?

A: Long

B: Short


9. Q: What is it called when an electrical signal causes a crystal to vibrate at a definite frequency?

A: galvanic effect

B: piezoelectric effect

C: crystalizoic effect

D: electromagnetic effect


10. Q: What is the unit of measurement for voltage?

A: Amp

B: Watt

C: Volt

D: Ohm


11. Q: What does IC stand for?

A: Indirect Current

B: Intelligent Chip

C: Internet Computer

D: Integrated Circuit


12. Q: What are fiber optics made of?

A: glass

B: copper

C: gold

D: water


13. Q: What type of signal do fiber optics carry?

A: magnetic

B: sound

C: light

D: electric


14. Q: What discovery in 1947 allowed electronics to be made much smaller with the use of silicon?

A: the resistor

B: the capacitor

C: the transistor

D: the vacuum tube


15. Q: Which is the correct equation to figure out voltage?

A: V = F*R

B: V = I/R

C: V = F/R

D: V = I*R


16. Q: What is the positive terminal of a battery called?

A: anode

B: cathode


17. Q: What type of voltage is available from a wall outlet in your home?




18. Q: Which of the following is NOT considered a passive component?

A: transistor

B: capacitor

C: resistor

D: inductor


19. Q: Which of the of the following is NOT considered an active component?

A: battery

B: connector

C: transistor

D: vacuum tube


20. Q: What type of component is made from two metal plates separated by an insulating material?

A: resistor

B: capacitor

C: inductor

D: transistor


21. Q: What type of component is made from a conducting wire wound into a coil?

A: resistor

B: capacitor

C: inductor

D: transistor


22. Q: What is used to increase the voltage, current, or power of a signal?

A: inductor

B: capacitor

C: resistor

D: amplifier


23. Q: "What is the result of ""1 AND 1"" in boolean math?"

A: 1

B: 0


24. Q: "What is the result of ""1 AND 0"" in boolean math?"

A: 1

B: 0


25. Q: "What is the result of ""1 OR 0"" in boolean math?"

A: 1

B: 0


26. Q: "If you input a ""1"" into an inverter, what is the output?"

A: 1

B: 0


27. Q: What unit of measurement is used for inductance?

A: Farad

B: Ohm

C: Henry

D: Volt


28. Q: What unit of measurement is used for capacitance?

A: Farad

B: Ohm

C: Henry

D: Watt


29. Q: When a signal is represented by a series of highs and lows, or ones and zeros, what type of signal is this?

A: analog

B: digital


30. Q: If you have a 10 Ohm resistor and a 55 Ohm resistor in series, what is the total resistance?

A: 15 Ohms

B: 35 Ohms

C: 65 Ohms

D: 110 Ohms


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