Physics: Light Spectrum

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Physics: Light Spectrum.

1. The ________ of a light wave is how fast it goes up and down.
a. Wavelength
b. Period
c. Amplitude
d. Frequency
e. Velocity

2. If a wave has a low frequency it will have a ________.
a. Short wavelength
b. High amplitude
c. Long wavelength
d. Low amplitude
e. High velocity

3. What do we call the range of light frequencies that we can see?
a. Visible spectrum
b. Audible spectrum
c. Open spectrum
d. Chromatic spectrum
e. Electromagnetic spectrum

4. Which of the following electromagnetic waves are invisible to the human eye?
a. Radio waves
b. Microwaves
c. Infrared rays
d. X-rays
e. All of the above

5. What color comes between yellow and blue on the visible spectrum of light?
a. Red
b. Orange
c. Green
d. Indigo
e. Violet

6. What color comes between blue and violet on the visible spectrum of light?
a. Red
b. Orange
c. Green
d. Indigo
e. Violet

7. The color white is a mixture of what colors of light?
a. Red and Green
b. Indigo and violet
c. Blue and yellow
d. Blue and orange
e. All of the colors

8. When we see a red shirt, what color (or colors) of light is the shirt reflecting?
a. Red
b. Red and green
c. Blue and yellow
d. Yellow
e. All of the colors except red

9. What color will we see if an object is absorbing all of the colors of light?
a. White
b. Black
c. Red
d. Blue
e. Brown

10. What are the three additive primary colors?
a. Yellow, red, and blue
b. Yellow, green, and red
c. Red, blue, and green
d. Orange, green, and indigo
e. Orange, yellow, and red

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Physics: Light Spectrum page at

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