Physics: Sunspots and Solar Winds

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Physics: Sunspots and Solar Winds.

1. What do we call dark areas that appear on the surface of the Sun?
a. Solar winds
b. Dark spots
c. Solar flares
d. Sunspots
e. CMEs

2. Which of the following is not true about sunspots?
a. They change size
b. They move across the Sun
c. They are permanent
d. They are caused by magnetic activity
e. They vary in size

3. How often is there an increase in sunspot activity?
a. Once a month
b. Once a year
c. Every 2 years
d. Every 11 years
e. Every 10,000 years

4. What is the solar wind?
a. A continuous stream of charged particles
b. Areas of magnetic activity on the surface of the Sun
c. Bursts of electro magnetic radiation
d. The ejection of plasma from the surface of the sun
e. None of the Above

5. What protects the Earth from the Sun's solar wind?
a. The atmosphere
b. The Earth's magnetic field
c. The ozone layer
d. The Moon
e. Nothing, the solar wind is not dangerous

6. What is a solar flare?
a. A continuous stream of charged particles
b. Areas of magnetic activity on the surface of the Sun
c. A burst of electro magnetic radiation
d. The ejection of plasma from the surface of the sun
e. None of the Above

7. True or False: Solar flares can cause damage to electronic components on satellites.

8. What is a CME or Coronal Mass Ejection?
a. A continuous stream of charged particles
b. Areas of magnetic activity on the surface of the Sun
c. A burst of electro magnetic radiation
d. The ejection of plasma from the surface of the sun
e. None of the Above

9. True or False: Staring at the Sun can damage your eyes and could cause you to go blind.

10. Which of the following is true about solar flares?
a. They release X-rays and gamma rays
b. They can be more powerful than a million nuclear bombs
c. Their radiation can reach Earth in a few minutes
d. They cause bright spots on the surface of the Sun
e. All of the above

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Physics: Sunspots and Solar Winds page at

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