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Blue and Yellow Macaw

Drawing of a Macaw
Blue and Yellow Macaw
Author: Eleazar Albin

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The Blue and Yellow Macaw is a type of Parrot with the scientific name Ara ararauna. It gets its nickname from its beautiful bright yellow and blue feathers. Typically the wings and tail are blue, while the under parts are yellow or golden. It also has a green forehead, a white face, and a black beak.

The macaw can get pretty big. It can have a body length of nearly 3 feet and a wing span of 4 feet. It can weigh up to 3 pounds.

Where does the Blue and Yellow Macaw live?

The natural habitat for the Blue and Yellow Macaw is the rainforest in South America, mostly in the northern countries where the weather is warm. Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, and Paraguay all have native populations of the Blue and Yellow Macaw.

Macaw flying with open wings
A Macaw in Flight
Attribution: I, Luc Viatour, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In the wild, these birds live in relatively large flocks of around 100 birds. Scientists also think that they mate for life.

Can the Blue and Yellow Macaw talk?

Yes, it is considered a talking bird. This means that it can mimic human speech. It doesn't really talk, but can make the same sound and repeat words. Not all pet macaws talk, but this is one of the more "talkative" birds. In general, the macaw is a pretty loud bird and makes lots of screeching noises, so if you get one as a pet, be ready for some noise.

What does the Macaw eat?

Macaws eat a wide variety of foods including seeds, fruits, nuts, leaves, and flowers. At the same time, lot of foods are poisonous to them such as chocolate, cherries, avocado, and caffeine. Some macaws also eat clay, which scientists think might help to neutralize the poisons in some foods.

Two Macaws
Author: Arpingstone at English Wikipedia

Does it make a good pet?

If properly taken care of, the Blue and Yellow Macaw can make a great pet. It is considered to be one of the most trainable and intelligent parrots. However, be prepared to spend a lot of time and work on your macaw. They like to spend time with people and need to be trained and socialized. With a lot of work they can be a great pet.

It's also recommended that you have a large space to keep your macaw. It's recommended that they have a space at least 50 feet long to fly around in.

Two Macaws in a tree
Macaws in a Tree
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Is the Blue and Yellow Macaw endangered?

No, as a matter of fact its conservation status is listed as "least concerned", which is good news for the Macaw.

Fun Facts

For more about birds:

Blue and Yellow Macaw - Colorful and chatty bird
Bald Eagle - Symbol of the United States
Cardinals - Beautiful red birds you can find in your backyard.
Flamingo - Elegant pink bird
Mallard Ducks - Learn about this awesome Duck!
Ostriches - The biggest birds don't fly, but man are they fast.
Penguins - Birds that swim
Red-tailed Hawk - Raptor

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