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Jokes - You Quack Me Up!!!

Duck Jokes

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Q: What time does a duck wake up?
A: At the quack of dawn!

Q: What do ducks get after they eat?
A: A bill!

Q: What do you call a crate full of ducks?
A: A box of quackers!

Q: Who stole the soap?
A: The robber ducky!

Q: What do you get if you cross fireworks with a duck?
A: A firequacker!

Q: What has fangs and webbed feet?
A: Count Duckula

Q: What was the goal of the detective duck?
A: To quack the case

Q: Why was the duck put into the basketball game?
A: To make a fowl shot!

Q: What did the duck do after he read all these jokes?
A: He quacked up!

Check out these special animal joke categories for more animal jokes for kids:

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