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Money and Finance

Money and Finance


What is an economy?

An economy is a system for allocating resources to meet people's needs and wants. It determines how goods and services are made and exchanged. The study of the economy is called economics and a person who studies economics is called an economist.

The Economy

You've probably heard people talk about "the economy." When people say this they are usually referring to the economy of the country where they live. A good economy is generally one where there are lots of good-paying jobs, businesses are making money, and the overall economy of the country is growing. A bad economy is one where people are losing their jobs, businesses are shutting down, and the overall economy isn't growing.

Micro vs. Macro

Economics is often divided up into macroeconomics and microeconomics.

Microeconomics studies how individuals and businesses make decisions within the economy. Examples of microeconomics include:
Macroeconomics looks at a bigger picture than microeconomics. It looks at the economy as a whole and not individuals or small businesses. Examples of macroeconomics include: Goods and Services

Two important terms in an economy are goods and services. Goods are physical objects that are bought and sold. They include things like cars, food, and clothes. Services are actions that one person pays another to do for them. Services include things like medical care, teaching, fire-fighting, and baby-sitting.

Types of Economies What type of economy is the United States?

The United States, like most countries today, is a mixed economy. The government controls some industries and places regulations on other industries, but much of the economy is allowed to run as a free market.

Learn More about Money and Finance:

Personal Finance

Filling out a Check
Managing a Checkbook
How to Save
Credit Cards
How a Mortgage Works
How Interest Works
Insurance Basics
Identity Theft

About Money

History of Money
How Coins are Made
How Paper Money is Made
Counterfeit Money
United States Currency
World Currencies
Money Math

Counting Money
Making Change
Basic Money Math
Money Word Problems: Addition and Subtraction
Money Word Problems: Multiplication and Addition
Money Word Problems: Interest and Percent


How Banks Work
How the Stock Market Works
Supply and Demand
Supply and Demand Examples
Economic Cycle
Adam Smith
How Taxes Work
Glossary and Terms

Note: This information is not to be used for individual legal, tax, or investment advice. You should always contact a professional financial or tax advisor before making financial decisions.

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