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Soccer: Rules and Regulations

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Side judge with flag
Source: US Air Force

When the ball is in play the rules of soccer are fairly simple. You cannot touch the ball with your hands or arms intentionally unless you are the goalie. You cannot foul another player or be offside (these soccer rules are described below). Other than that, the main rules of soccer are around the starting and stopping of play.

The Starting and Stopping of Soccer Play

At the start of a soccer period or after a goal, there is a kick-off from the center circle. At the kick-off all of the soccer players must be on their side of the field (the side they are defending). Only the player kicking the kick-off is allowed inside the center circle. After the kick-off the ball will be in play until the ball goes out of bounds or the referee calls a penalty.

Other ways of restarting soccer include:

Throw-in: When the soccer ball has gone out of bounds, the team that last touched the ball loses possession and the opposing team gets to throw-in the ball from the point where the ball crossed out of bounds.

Corner kick: When the defending team last touches the ball and it crosses the goal line (and not scoring a goal), the opposing team gets to kick the ball from the corner of the field.

Goal kick: When the offensive team last touches the ball before it crosses the goal line, the goalie gets to kick the ball from the goal box.

Penalty kick: When a foul occurs in the penalty area, the fouled team is awarded a penalty kick.

Soccer players going for the ball
Source: US Navy

Soccer Fouls

Soccer fouls can be any number of unfair advantages taken by a player that are called by the referee. These can include tripping, pushing, and touching the ball with the hands. Free kicks or penalty kicks may be awarded to the opposing soccer team. Very unsportsmanlike behavior may result in a yellow card or a red card. Players that get red cards are ejected from the game.

Offside Rule

The offensive player is offside if they are nearer to the opponent's goal line than both the second and last opponent and the soccer ball.

Out of Bounds

Out of bounds occurs when the ball completely crosses over the boundary line.


When throwing the ball in at throw-in, the ball must be thrown from behind and over the head using both hands. When the ball leaves the thrower's hands, both of his/her feet must be touching the ground.

More Soccer Links:

Soccer Rules
Soccer Field
Substitution Rules
Length of the Game
Goalkeeper Rules
Offside Rule
Fouls and Penalties
Referee Signals
Restart Rules

Soccer Gameplay
Controlling the Ball
Passing the Ball
Playing Defense

Strategy and Drills
Soccer Strategy
Team Formations
Player Positions
Set Plays or Pieces
Individual Drills
Team Games and Drills

Mia Hamm
David Beckham

Soccer Glossary
Professional Leagues

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