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Arts and Crafts Videos

Sorted by Style and Supplies

These videos are sorted by art style and the supplies needed. To see sorted by subject, go here.

frankenstein cup craft

Most of these arts and crafts activities require some combination of paper (sometimes different colors), glue, scissors, and markers (or crayons). In some cases other unique supplies are needed such as paint, a paper roll, or googly eyes. We've tried to make a list below that shows the unique supply needed for each craft video. For example, if you don't want to use paint, you can avoid the videos that require paint. This list is not exhaustive, just something to hopefully make it a bit easier to find the right craft for you.

The supplies list for each craft is included below the instructional video on each individual video page. An adult should supervise all arts and crafts.

Standard Crafts
Rocking Boat
Paper Hot Air Balloon
Racing Game
The Double Loop Paper Trick
3D Paper Cherries
Bouncy Butterfly
Flapping Butterfly
3D Caterpillar
Wiggly Caterpillar
3D Fish #1
3D Fish #2
Heart Ladybug
Paper Snail
Bouncy Turtle
Handprint Cactus
3D Flower #3
Heart Snowflake
Fun Face Changer
Paper Football Game
Paper Spinner
Paper Weave
Tissue Paper Ballerinas

Origami Crafts
Origami Ice Cream
Origami Mushroom
Origami Strawberry
Watermelon Origami
Watermelon Bookmark
Origami Bird
Origami Bunny
Origami Cat Puppet
Origami Dog
Origami 3D Kitten
Potted Plant Origami
Origami Tulip
Origami Ghost
Origami Heart
Origami Jumping Frog
The Impossible Paper Puzzle
Origami Candy Gift Box

Crafts with Painting
Fingerprint Flowers
Bubble Wrap Pineapple
Fingerprint Bug Jar
Handprint Bunny
Pasta Butterflies
Paper Roll Pumpkin
Balloon Painted Caterpillar
Cardboard Elephant
Paper Octopus
Bubble Flowers
Cherry Blossom Branch
Q-Tip Dandelions
Stars in a Jar
Oil Pastel Leaf Cutouts
Sunset Tree Silhouettes
Paper Roll Reindeer
Paper Plate Monster
Paper Plate Football Bowl
Rainbow Sponge Painting
Salt Painted Pictures
Paper Roll Dinosaur

Paper Plates or Paper Rolls
Paper Plate
Paper Hot Cocoa
Paper Plate Bunny
Paper Plate Mummy
Raining Cloud craft
Cute Animal Puzzles
Paper Roll
Paper Roll Flashlight Projector
Paper Roll Robot
Superhero Arm Cuff
Paper Roll Bunny
Paper Roll Butterfly #1
Paper Roll
Paper Roll Butterfly #2
Paper Roll Spider
Paper Roll Swan
3D Flower #1
3D Flower #2
Paper Roll
Valentine's Day Cracker
Paper Roll Pumpkin
Paper Roll Dinosaur

Other Types of Supplies
Moveable Robot
Clothes Pins
Clothespin Giraffe
Cotton Ball Stamped Leaves
Snowman Clip
Clothespin Puppets
Cup Jellyfish
Paper Cup Frankenstein
Egg Carton
Egg Carton Flower
Egg Carton Mancala Game
Glittery Snowflake
Sparkly Spider Webs
Glitter Jar
Googly Eyes
Wormy Apple
Bunny Finger Puppet
3D Origami Paper Fish
Paper Whale
Pipe Cleaners
Pipecleaner Dragonfly
Tissue Paper Flower
Beaded Pipe Cleaner Flower
Pipe Cleaner Candy Canes
Popsicle Sticks
Ice Pop
Magic Wand
Wooden Stick Scarecrow
Moving Caterpillar
Elephant with A Moving Trunk
Superhero Straw
Tissue Paper
Chilled Paper Lemonade
Windsock Bumblebee
Handprint Campfire
Yarn or String
Origami Candy Gift Box
Heart Garland
Beaded Keychain
Ice Skate

Other Crafts Using Unique Items
Flying Rocket
Coin Spinner
3D Orange
Rocking Bottle Cap Frog
Blooming Flower
Leaf Prints
Party Streamer Rose
Light-Up Holiday Lights
Rainbow Spinner
Stress Ball
Zip Tie Bubble Wand
2-Ingredient Moon Sand

** Please note this page is still under construction.

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